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Stay Home & Get Creative

Stay Home & Get Creative

I thought I'd share a few creative projects which you can do from home with materials you may already have. For me, these activities aren't about productivity or perfection, it's about finding calmness in creativity and enjoying the process. I hope some may find tranquility and joy within these activities. If you do give any of them a go, feel free to get in touch and show me as I'd love to see how you get on!

Natural Dyes

Experiment with natural dyeing using pigments from beetroot, onion skins, spinach, red cabbage, turmeric, avocados and black beans. You could dye eggs as an Easter craft - as you are using all natural ingredients the eggs can still be eaten afterwards so there's no waste! Alternatively you could try using fabric, you must use natural fabric like cotton or linen, perhaps an old cushion or shirt would work. Both blog posts below give in depth instructions and recipe suggestions.

Eggs - https://abeautifulmess.com/2018/03/naturally-dyed-easter-eggs.html

abric - https://abeautifulmess.com/2017/02/experimenting-with-natural-dyes.html


Cardboard Vases

Create fun, colourful vases from cardboard! Plan your shape around a jar or glass and you could actually use it for fresh flowers.   


Paper Palm Leaves

I found a tutorial to make these paper palm leaves. I made mine loosely based on this, substituting kraft paper (as I didn’t have any) for newspaper and of course I painted mine pink! I’ve made my own little step by step guide if you’d like to follow that. I really loved making these and experimenting with sizes, amounts of paper and cutting to create different shapes. 

Grow an Avocado Plant

You could get a little green fingered and grow your own avocado plant. I’m obsessed with growing these as it’s so easy! All you need is the pit of an avocado, some toothpicks or sewing pins and a jar. Here’s a really useful step by step guide.



Knitting offers an escape for the mind while providing the hands with something to do. If you’ve never knitted before you could try to learn with YouTube tutorials or if you’re like me and can only really do squares – start making a block blanket. I have this as an ongoing project as you can just work on one square at a time and the project doesn’t seem to overwhelming.

If you want to knit something a bit more advanced and totally unique you could knit your own Donna Wilson creature by following along with this tutorial to create Ginge Marmalade Cat!


DIY Woven Pendant

If you have two old lampshade frames at home, you can weave them together with embroidery thread to create a beautiful pendant shade!


Create Stop Motion Stories

Get creative with things around your house, make them move, dance and tell a story through a stop motion video. Xanthe Berkeley creates beautiful stop motion and short films that always make me smile - she has kindly put together a free lesson over on her website. Xanthe also offers online courses if you want to get more advanced!


Embroidery or Cross Stitch

Get lost in an embroidery or cross stitch project. DMC have so many beautiful free patterns you can download. Many of these patterns are designed by my friend, Abi Skinner.

Lauren Smith, a Scottish embroidery artist has been sharing tutorials on different techniques over on her Instagram.